Whoo! I’m on a roll!

The afternoon on the same day,we decided to visit the popular tourist spots  of Baguio (as any tourist would obligatorily do lol)

Crown Legacy Hotel

We first visited the hotel we’re going to stay in the next day just to make sure of the reservations we’ve made.


Taking a snap here before it’ll be jam-packed.

Strawberry Farm

Price range is from P 20 – P 30. Only slight difference that I noticed was the size and the color (P30 was choco brown and the P20 was colored pink.)

Compared to artificially flavored commercial ice creams, this one guarantees you a closer taste to what a real strawberry would  taste like.

Sadly, it wasn’t the peak season of strawberries hence we weren’t able to buy any since the prices were past our budget. Hee hee.


The Mansion

You know, the president’s residence when he visits Baguio.



This is as far as anyone can get inside the premises. Soldiers were in the area patrolling for any sign of danger.


Mine’s View

I was so happy to have found this in Mine’s View. My aunt loves plants so much she’d die without one. The prices are super affordable and the plants are so, too!

We didn’t end doing touristy stuff for November 24 by Mine’s View, though. We went to the night market in the Session Road that night and immersed in the culture of the taga- Baguio. Other reason why I wasn’t to take a snap of the place was my fear for robbers. The place was full of people you can never be too careful. Even so, we went home happy of our finds.

#PACSA36th starts the next day, though. Pruu.

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